“Everyone has the right to health and get treated with respect and equality, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, nationality, belief, legal status, or drug use.”
- Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng
We help each other help each other share hope
Sierra Harm Reduction Coalition’s (SHRC’s) mission is to empower and help our disadvantaged community and help build a strong recovery-ready environment within El Dorado County. Sierra Harm Reduction Coalition strongly believes there are no wrong doors to treatment and recovery, and through our services we are integral to these doors.
SHRC is one of the main organizations working in El Dorado County with our disenfranchised and drug using community, meeting them where they are, on the street and in the field. SHRC is the primary source of education and resources to help our clients shift from harmful practices and towards a safe and fulfilling life by delivering and referring to services for treatment, health services, food, shelter, transportation, and supplying safer use materials
Through our methods and services, our clients are empowered to decide for themselves how to improve their safety, health and ultimately, choices for treatment.

We help our clients to be empowered, safe, healthy and hopeful by offering the following services
Safe Supplies
We supply Narcan® , overdose kits, fentanyl test kits, safe use materials, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
We provide regular area syringe clean-ups and coordinate responses to community concerns regarding inappropriate disposed of syringes in public places.
Providing followed referrals to much-needed services such as medical, mental health, and Medically Assisted Treatment.
Case Management
We work with our folks on client-identified goals to help them improve their lives.